‘My account’
My Account
This is where you – as a Two Rivers Housing tenant – can access details about your tenancy and your home, at any time of the day or night.
It is a secure area so you will need to use a username and password to open it, but then no-one – other than the Two Rivers Housing team – will be able to see it.
You can log in to My Account to check your account, pay your rent, confirm your contact details, raise a repair and check for updates on safety checks or planned maintenance in your home.
You can use your MyAccount login to report and book in a repair in your home.
Go to ‘My account’ now.
Our ‘My account’ expert Otis has put together a show (below) to explain the benefits of logging on, including:
- reporting a repair and booking an appointment.
- checking your account and paying your rent.
- seeing when we will review your home for improvements.
- finding out the date of your next safety check.
- updating your contact details.
- seeing your main Two Rivers Housing contacts.
Use the arrows within the video or the dots underneath to play through the slides