External management companies

If you live in a Two Rivers Housing property, there may be an external management company who are responsible for the maintenance of shared spaces on the estate.
All properties within the estate will contribute to the cost of the works carried out.
The management company is appointed or created by the developer(s) who built the properties, they will often appoint a managing agent who will complete the works on their behalf.
Why do we use management companies?
Many new build estates are subject to formal planning obligations known as section 106 agreements. As part of this agreement, a condition is placed on the developer that means that they must maintain shared spaces to ensure that local authorities do not incur additional future maintenance costs.
The developer chooses or creates the management company who are then responsible for the maintenance on the estate. Where we purchase homes built under a section 106 agreement, our customers also contribute to the costs maintaining the estate.
What does this mean for you?
Each year, the management company will issue an invoice for the work they have completed on the estate directly to Two Rivers Housing in respect of our properties.
These charges are then passed to our customers within that estate, this is known as an External Management Company service charge and where applicable is charged alongside your rent.
What does a management company do?
In most cases the management company will complete maintenance in shared areas including footpaths and steps as well as landscaping and grass cutting.
It may also include maintaining play areas and any roads or drainages systems that have not been adopted by local authorities.
How much does it cost?
Costs will vary depending on the size of the estate, the location, and the services the management company provides. It may also vary from year to year if the management company has to complete additional work such as repairing broken items and will usually increase annually in line with inflation.
Before you buy or move into your home, you will be able to check the current annual charge.
If I am a Shared Owner, will this affect the sale of my property?
Management companies on housing estates are becoming more common and should have no effect if you decide to sell your home.
How do I contact the management agency?
If you are a Shared Owner or tenant of Two Rivers Housing and there is an issue with the maintenance of the estate you are living on, you should contact our team on 0800 316 0897 or email customerservices@2rh.org.uk.
We will then contact the management company to address the concerns you have raised and work with them to put things right.
If you are a Shared Owner and own your home outright or have purchased your home through Right to Buy or Right to Acquire scheme you will need to contact the management company directly.