6th December 2018
Two Rivers helps sick children
Our Helping Hands team helps the James Hopkins Trust prepare for its Christmas Extravaganza
6th December 2018
Our Helping Hands team helps the James Hopkins Trust prepare for its Christmas Extravaganza
12th November 2018
Nearly 300 properties are currently being built to increase opportunities for people to live in affordable homes
17th October 2018
Staff, tenants and neighbours show their support with coffee and cake!
10th October 2018
Staff donate more than 400 meals to local foodbanks
8th October 2018
New Shared Ownership homes being built in Wotton-under-Edge
18th September 2018
Two Rivers’ performance, activity and finances are published in its annual review of 2017-18
21st August 2018
Five staff spend the day helping the Berry Hill Community Orchard
7th August 2018
We helped children to paint over 300 rocks…
10th July 2018
Pupils’ posters promote speed awareness on busy road
22nd June 2018
A group of volunteers worked hard on the rose beds as part of the ‘Helping Hands’ project.