Helping at the orchard

A day of weeding, mulching and painting kept five pairs of Helping Hands from Two Rivers Housing busy at the Berry Hill Community Orchard.
The orchard, which was created on Forestry Commission wasteland on the edge of the village, is run by a group of volunteers and, together, they have created a beautiful, tranquil spot for all to walk through, relax in and enjoy.
The Helping Hands team – comprising colleagues from Customer Services, Income Collection, Lettings, Communications and Centigen FM – spent a day there, giving its support to the maintenance of this community area, which is currently enjoying an excellent crop of apples and other fruit.
Every member of staff from the Two Rivers Housing group takes a day out of their normal work duties each year to volunteer at a community or charitable project.
Liz Reeson, Communications Manager, explained: “I always look forward to my Helping Hands day, as it’s a great way to learn about local projects, and to do something completely different from my usual work to support them. A group of us can make a tangible difference in just a few hours, and that’s a really satisfying way to spend a day.”
Jo Revill, one of the Community Orchard volunteers (pictured centre right) said: “As a voluntary organisation, we are always extremely grateful for any help we receive. The orchard looks amazing and I know how much effort it has taken and with continued good cheer! Thank you also to Two Rivers for supplying materials for the day to enable jobs, such as the staining, to be completed.”