Working #Twogether with Eastington Community Land Trust

Eastington Community Land Trust was set up by residents to help tackle the lack of affordable housing in the village. Concerned for the future of their families who were struggling to find suitable housing in the area, the ECLT aims to meet local housing need while limiting further development in the parish.
In a new partnership, the ECLT is working with us to build 31 homes at its Homegrounds site. Together, we have secured planning permission from Stroud District Council to build a mix of flats and houses that will help local families find an affordable home in the area.
The new development will provide 21 homes for social rent and 10 for Shared Ownership in a rural area where affordable housing is desperately needed.
Commenting on the partnership, Tom Morrison, Chair of the Eastington Community Land Trust, told us: “Over the last ten years or so we’ve worked hard to ensure that Eastington remains a thriving rural community. Through projects like this one we can meet the housing needs of local people, while protecting our greenspaces and the rural character and charm of the village.
“Two Rivers Housing is the perfect partner for this project. They are a local housing association with experience in building for rural communities and we believe that their knowledge, experience, and commitment to increasing the availability of affordable homes in their communities is a great fit for this project.”
On hearing the news that planning permission had been granted, our Development Manager Terri Hibberd, said: “This is great news for families in Eastington where access to affordable housing is limited. Rural areas like this are in desperate need of new homes, but it can be a difficult balance between preserving the character of the village and ensuring that there are enough places for people to live.
“Working with organisations like the ECLT helps ensure that developments like this are done with and supported by the local community whose friends and families will ultimately benefit from the new homes we are building together.”
Work will start on site later this year.