Two Rivers Housing joins national safeguarding best practice group

Two Rivers Housing has joined a national safeguarding best practice group, to help the sector drive consistency and influence the safeguarding agenda within housing.
The Housing Quality Network (HQN) Safeguarding and Housing Best Practice Group, consists of 18 housing associations from across the UK. Members of the group are committed to sharing best practice and learning across the housing sector.
Founded by Sovereign Housing Association, the group shares a strong desire and commitment to sharing resources, creating and providing national benchmarking information, and sharing learnings from safeguarding reviews with the wider sector.
We joined the group, which includes Connexus, Platform, Plymouth Community Homes, Aspire and Stonewater in July. Together we will work to implement safeguarding best practice across the housing sector and drive the safeguarding agenda forward.
Commenting on the decision to join the HQN group, Sara Hendry, Head of Tenancy Services at Two Rivers Housing, said: “As a social housing provider, our team is well placed to identify vulnerable people with care and support needs. We already work closely with other local organisations to share information and co-ordinate responses to protect our tenants and have a crucial role to play in identifying and reporting anyone that may be at risk of harm.
“As part of the HQN Group, we will be able to learn from the experiences of others, share our own learnings, and bring best practice to our organisation and the wider sector. This will help support our team and deliver the best results for our tenants and those that are most vulnerable.”
Jon Cox, Chair of the Safeguarding and Housing Best Practice Group, added: “This group brings together several like-minded organisations – each with a desire to learn as much as they can about the differing methods used to identify, record, and respond to safeguarding issues.
“We are clear that housing has a key role to play in the safeguarding agenda and are keen to develop a shared understanding of our remit and challenges we all face. By sharing data, experiences, and tools, this group will help to drive greater consistency and support more landlords to take effective, proactive, and responsive action to support those at risk.”