Two Rivers Housing customer satisfaction survey

What is the survey?
Each year, Two Rivers Housing works with an independent research agency that runs a series of surveys with our customers. These help us understand more about the work that we do.
STAR (Survey of Tenants and Residents), is specifically designed for the housing sector and was developed, by HouseMark, in consultation with 300 landlords and more than 13,000 tenants and leaseholders. It is completely independent and allows us to consistently measure customer satisfaction.
What does this mean for our tenants and residents?
Over the next few weeks, an independent research agency called Acuity will be contacting some of our customers by telephone. The tenants and residents will be chosen at random and all responses are 100% anonymous, unless you choose otherwise.
If you are called, the researcher will begin the call by letting you know that they are from Acuity, calling on behalf of Two Rivers Housing and will ask if you are happy to give your views on our service.
If you agree to take part, the researcher will ask you a series of short questions about your experience with Two Rivers Housing. In total, the call should only take a few minutes.
We wanted to let you know in advance that this is happening, so you can have confidence that it is a legitimate call.
Please note that Acuity will never ask you to provide bank details or personal information.
How do Two Rivers use the results?
The results of this survey give us an in-depth look at customer satisfaction across our organisation. It allows us to compare our performance against our previous results as well as industry standards across the social housing sector. The results will help us to understand what we are doing well and where we can make improvements to ensure we’re providing the best possible service to our customers.