All spruced up for the new term

Scouts and schoolchildren return to their activities this week, with spruced-up facilities to start the autumn term.
This is thanks to the “˜Helping Hands’ of staff at Two Rivers Housing, who have been giving their time to paint fences around the play area at Heart of the Forest Community Special School and renovate the Cinderford 1st Scout group hut in Stockwell Green.
Both projects were perfect for the not-for-profit housing association, which gives each member of staff one day per year to support other local charities and community projects. Eight “˜Helping Hands’ projects have been completed so far this summer, with more planned.
“Part of our purpose is “˜supporting communities’, and this is a great way to demonstrate that we mean it when we say it,” explained Liz Reeson, Communications Manager, who joined the fence-painting team at the school.
“It’s an important part of who we are and, with about 150 staff to share amongst projects, we can make a real difference to many local groups, and learn more about them while we’re doing it. It’s also a great excuse to take a day out from behind the desk and do something more practical instead!”
“We were very grateful for the painting and the fences look nice and new again – amazing what a lick of paint will do,” said Judith Leadbeater, Business Manager at the Heart of the Forest School.
“Budgets are tight and it is this sort of job which gets left because it is not seen as a priority. The voluntary work offered and carried out by Two Rivers Housing enables us to complete these tasks and help maintain a quality outside environment for our children. The work was very much appreciated.”