Two Rivers Housing supports children’s opportunity centre.

Two Rivers Housing and Travis Perkins have teamed up to help a local children’s opportunity centre with a recent refurbishment.
The two companies have a small community fund which is set aside purely for use on community projects and to help other charities and organisations. This fund was used in order to donate kitchen units to the Forest of Dean Children’s Opportunity Centre, in Coleford.
The kitchen will provide an essential facility for the children, staff and the wider community. It provides an informal meeting place for parents and professionals involved in the care of children with diverse and complex special needs.
The new kitchen will also enable them to deliver a new range of eating and cooking courses to help families whose children struggle with their food and eating.
Parents, carers and members of staff all worked together during the half term break to fit the new kitchen, ensuring it was ready for when the children started back.
Two Rivers Housing had already been working with the Children’s Centre as part of its “˜Helping Hands’ voluntary project and became aware of their need for the refurbishment.
“The Children’s Opportunity Centre workers and volunteers are the unsung heroes of the area helping many children from the local area and beyond and we were delighted to be able help them for a day and to provide kitchen units for a refurbishment project they wanted to carry out. We have a strong focus on supporting the communities where our tenants live and this was a great opportunity to improve the facilities that will in turn help the children and the wider community.” Said Garry King, Two Rivers Housing Chief Executive.
“The Forest of Dean Children’s Opportunity Centre is very grateful to Two Rivers and Travis Perkins for our new kitchen units. They have enabled us to completely refurbish the kitchen at the Opportunity Centre, making it a safe and pleasant place for our staff and of course the children. We couldn’t have done this without this generous donation from Two Rivers and its materials supplier, Travis Perkins. Thank you all”. Commented Caroline Jones, Grants and Facilities Co-ordinator for the Forest of Dean Children’s Opportunity Centre.