Two Rivers Housing awards PH Jones two new contracts

Following a comprehensive tender process, Two Rivers Housing has awarded two four-year contracts to PH Jones in a deal worth £6.4m.
The two new contracts build on a successful long-term partnership between the two organisations, which has seen PH Jones provide servicing and repairs to the housing association’s traditional fuel heating systems for the last nine years.
Two Rivers Housing recently secured funding from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund to undertake a pilot to fully retrofit a small number of its homes. This will include the installation of more efficient and renewable heating systems in these properties.
The first of the new contracts will see PH Jones take responsibility of the servicing and repair of Two Rivers Housing’s renewable systems as well as the traditional heating systems it has previously serviced.
Two Rivers Housing provides more than 4,200 affordable homes across Gloucestershire, which account for more than 90% of the organisation’s carbon emissions. The replacement of gas, oil and solid fuel heating systems in its older homes and the installation of this technology in its new build homes, will play a key part in reducing this and support its ambition to become a Carbon Zero organisation by 2050.
Following a tender through the CHIC Framework, a not-for-profit, member-owned tendering consortium, PH Jones was awarded a second four-year deal. This will see the firm complete heating system improvements, installations and upgrades to the housing association’s homes helping it to reduce its carbon footprint over the coming years.
As part of the deal, PH jones have committed to delivering employment and skills opportunities throughout the contract, alongside a number of customer focused improvements for appointment booking and tracking.